Next Meeting - Tuesday, January 28th - Cranberry Senior's Centre 

Doors Open at 6:30 pm - Meeting at 7:00

Our club objective is to foster and encourage the cultivation and promotion of home gardens, both flower and vegetable

Powell River Garden Club

Club Info

We are a growing community of people who share a passion for gardening! The Powell River Garden Club was started in 1967 and is a member of the BC Council of Garden Clubs. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or are starting your very first garden (fruit, flower, veggie), you will find a wealth of information and inspiration from other members and from our resident Master Gardeners.

Things we do: speaker presentations, private garden visits, plant sales, swap and share useful items, bulk purchasing, garden centre discounts. Master gardeners are available at each meeting to provide advice.

Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of the month from September to June excluding December.
Time: Doors open 6:30 pm, Meeting starts 7:00 pm
Coffee/tea and cookies available before and during social time. Please bring your own mug!
Location: The Cranberry Seniors Centre, 6792 Cranberry Street, Powell River.
Access from Manson Ave or Drake Street. Meetings in person and by Zoom.

We have new people joining each month, so come on over and check us out.

First meeting free.

Annual Memberships Only $20
Additional Family members $10 and Super Seniors (80+) $15
Membership Application

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Powell-River-Garden-Club


January General Meeting

Tuesday, January 28th - 7:00 pm
Doors Open: 6:30 pm
Cranberry Senior's Centre,
6792 Cranberry St., Powell River, BC

There will be no meeting in the month of December. Happy Holidays everyone!

Join us in January for a Zoom presentation by Linda A. Gilkeson of West Coast Gardening, as she presents:
 Resilient Gardens for a Changing Climate 


It takes a village - indeed a small army - of enthusiastic volunteers to keep our garden club vibrant, relevant and above all, enjoyable! Thanks to them all.